Mystery Quilting…becoming a Quilt Chef

And so it begins. The Quilters have decided to "do" a Mystery Quilt over the next year. The first block was distributed at our meeting, with much "oh, my",  "what's it gonna look like",  "will this work", Can I do this". To which Anna's frequently replied,  "Trust me, it will be okay." "It's an adventure", and "Step out of your comfort zone".  How exciting so many quilters are participating and excited about the adventure, taking on this new challenge. Quilting is like cooking, note,  I did NOT say baking. Baking is an exact science.  Cooking recipes are usually suggestions for what works together, the chef tweaks the product as she goes to incorporate her own style, taste, or simply pantry. Quilters, too, have a style and stash. We all know Marilyn will have yellow and Nancy will have red somewhere in their quilts. Pat's are solids and Anna are batiks. Yet, a challenge often brings out the best in folks. Something was lacking in their quilts, so Vicki decided she wanted mice around her cats quilt, incorporating a embroidered long tail. Kathy adds heirloom embroidery and embellishments, while Anna adds the Korean name and blessing to baby quilts. We become quilting chefs…we take a chance, tweak it, sample it, and the final project reflects who we individual quilter!

Linda began this piece as a Redwork Santa. Simply stitching along, she was never sure what she wanted to do with it once done. She framed it with 1/2 square triangles, turning corners smoothly and set off the the stitchery with 20 or so shades of red. This is a quilting chef at work…gorgeous.

AND ITS READY TO HANG for Christmas!


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